Tuesday, February 7, 2012

TWD : White Loaves

When my sisters and I were younger and a family dinner night was planned, we used to run to the dinner table. Not exactly out of hunger, or excitement, but out of pure competition for the coveted diamond fork. What's a diamond fork? Are you picturing a glittering, sparkly gold and diamond encrusted fork, worthy of only royal princesses and daughters of presidents? Yeah. It's not that exciting. A diamond fork is just a regular ol' fork with a diamond shape in between the two middle prongs, and in our house, we had only one. One! Didn't my parents realize they had three daughters? 

Oh, the fights that could have been spared if only there were two more diamond forks in our house. 

Of course with three girls in the house, we would find lots of things to fight over. Sometimes it would be over who would get something....and sometimes it would be a fight over who was left with something they didn't really want. 

In our house, it was always a disappointment to have to eat the ends of the bread. The thin, dry, mostly crusty end of the bread. Gross. 

We called them colitas (or "little tails") in our house, and nothing was worse than coming home from school, with a mad PB&J craving only to discover a nearly empty bread bag with crumbs and colitas at the bottom.

Fortunately we grew up, and now I can eat all the squishy middle bread I want, and feel no remorse about throwing away those sad little colitas at the bottom of the bread bag. Sometimes I can even convince my boyfriend to eat them (he claims to like them, I think he's crazy).

This week's Tuesdays with Dorie recipe is white loaves. And people, this bread is special. Do you see those colitas up there? Oh man,  so not the thin, dry, crusty sad excuses for a bread slice I'm used to. They were oh so delicious. Moist, light and full of buttery flavor. If this whole loaf was composed of colitas, that would just fine by me. Of course, the squishy middle was delicious as well. I've made yeasted loaf breads before, only to have them come out dense and heavy, but this bread came out light with a nice chewy texture. Perfect PB&J bread. I also think it would make absolutely wonderful french toast, to be eaten with a diamond fork, of course. 

The recipe for this wonderful bread can be found here or here This recipe is part of the Tuesdays with Dorie baking group. My first (woo hoo!) completed recipe from the book Baking with Julia


  1. I love the composition and settings for your photos. Your story about the diamond fork is pretty funny, 3 girls and one fork? What were they thinking! Enjoyed your post and looking forward to reading more through BWJ!

  2. What a great blog post and I just LOVE all your pictures! Puts my measly one picture to shame...I am gonna have to step up my game! :) Looking forward to reading more of your post as we go along. Till next time....

  3. Your bread looks perfect! And I love the term "Colitas"! I won't eat them, either! LOL!

  4. Beautiful pictures and a charming post. I used to hate the colitas, too. Now, I will eat them and be ok with it. Ah, the things we remember from our childhood... Look forward to your next post!

  5. In our house, it was the silverware with the grapes on it :-)
    To this day, I still won't eat the ends of bread (or the bottom of cereal with all the dust in it).
    Enjoyed your post and look foward to more TWD to come!

  6. Oooh I have comments! How fun!

    @Christy & Jen, I can hardly take credit for the photos. My dad let me borrow (ahem, steal) his really nice camera. It's hard to take a bad picture with it.

    @Susan & Carolina, Yeah, colitas = no bueno. :)

    @Cher, Silverware with grapes? I'd totally fight over it too.

    Thanks for all the support ladies. What a fun baking group this is!

  7. Pretty pictures of your lovely bread!!

  8. I love your photos, and your bread looks perfect! I also enjoyed the story; I have a sister I'd fight with over anything and everything as well :)

  9. What a lovely post and gorgeous loaves. Thanks for sharing your story. I'm looking forward to lots more as bake together. Cheers!

  10. Thanks for making me smile. Your bread looks lovely. Your post is beautiful. I look forward to reading and seeing more!!

  11. Your loaves (and slices!) look gorgeous.

  12. I love your photo composition! I need to get better at that...

  13. I loved all of your pictures and your writing style. Looking forward to sharing this new adventure with you.
